Monday, August 18, 2014

Misc. News

Barbara from the State guild sent this out and wanted 
the Heber quilt guild member to get a chance to look at it.


Mr. Phil Newton of Amann-Mettler has come through for us and we are going to give each person that enters a quilt(s) in the show a box of 12 spools of beautiful Mettler cotton thread, the box includes various colors, some variegated.  This gift will be placed in the quilters bag when you get your quilt(s) back after the show. 
This is so wonderful of Mr. Newton.  He is one of Nuttall's affiliates and agreed to give us this gift because of all the quilters in Utah that purchase his thread. 
Told you I'd have some news for you.  Please get the word out to your members and friends to register their quilts by Monday,  August 25, 2014.  This includes the display only and the previous Quilt Fest workshop finished quilts.   

Josephine Keasler, Quilt Fest 2014, Quilt Show Coordinator.

Marie Haws, Vice PresidentUtah Quilt Guild est. 1977
"To Encourage, Promote and Preserve, the art of quilt making"

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