Okay ladies, here goes our new blog for the
Heber Valley Quilters! Today's post features pictures of our wonderful Christmas Party and Sewing Space Showcase. But first of all, a huge thank you to
Deonn, Cindy, Linda, and Kim for letting us all in your homes and showing us the place we all love best, sewing spaces. Also, a nice big thank you to everyone who prepared food and beverages for us all to enjoy. It was a super time. I (being Rachel) feel so horrible that I didn't get more camera happy at the beginning of our evening. I only have one picture at
Deonn's house and I left my camera downstairs for the
Material Girl extravaganza!! I wish so badly I would have gotten a few pictures of us all swaying to the music, singing with Madonna, listening to Brenda and
Deonn, and most of all, swishing our fabric!

I did capture a few pictures of Cindy's house and her beautiful custom sewing room. Thanks Wendy,
Crusan, and
Deonn for indulging me with your smiles! I hope you all get used to smiling while I am around.

Tricia, thanks to you too! And Cindy, your Christmas decorations were exquisite. Thanks for letting us into your home and showing us your treasures.

Linda's house was our 3rd visit and it was great to sit down by the fire and enjoy
each other's company. Brenda received some of her 'Red and Butter' blocks at Linda's house. They were given to her as a THANK YOU for being our guild president in 2007. Thanks for a really fun year Brenda. All your hard work is appreciated.

I took pictures of some of Linda's nifty ideas in her sewing space. She is a Lowe's Home Improvement Store fan and she uses many of their products in ways they never imagined. Thanks for the good ideas Linda.

Kim thrilled us by letting us see her sewing room/studio. She also showed us some of her great little gadgets she uses for her fabric business. Kim owns and runs
noveltyquiltfabric.com, her very own online store. She also let us see her business fabric room. How very exciting. She has the funnest cat and dog prints, although she says
alot of her business right now is collegiate print fabric.

Kim had many quilts hanging up for us to look at and dream about. They were all beautiful and we got to hear some of their stories.

Well, ladies, here we all are. Wasn't it a great night? I think we should do this every year. Thanks to those amazing ladies that coordinated this night for us to enjoy. It was such great time together.

Kim Shannon was our Queen Bee this month. She shared some of her stories about her first quilts, running a fabric store in Kansas, and how much she loves fabric. Thanks for sharing Kim and for inspiring us all. Until next post, may your bobbin always be full.